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See by Chloé

See by Chloé Women Black 

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See by Chloé, a different idea of luxury…
A French fashion house founded in 1952 by Gaby Aghion, the brand Chloe has established itself as a leading fashion brand for women. The Parisian of Egyptian origin noticed a gap in the market of women's fashion and the idea of ​​a ready-to-wear high fashion range then formed. In 1966, Karl Lagerfeld joined the company as artistic director and went on to create signature pieces. Jackie Kennedy, Brigitte Bardot, Maria Callas and Grace Kelly all become fervent followers of Chloe, conveying a new image of feminine chic. In 1997, Stella McCartney brought a softer feminine touch through her design creativity. The 'See by Chloe' line was created in 2001 to offer an alternative vision of luxury and elegance but, still with the lively bohemian touches that will appeal to a younger audience in search of sophistication.

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