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A guide to shoe shopping: how to choose the right colour

Making sure your shoes match your outfit is essential for achieving the perfect look. However, with all the vairous combinations on offer, it is sometimes difficult to get your bearings. To help, we've come up with a guide on how to make the right choice when it comes to the colour of your shoes.

How to shop for a pair of shoes to match the colour of your outfit

Finding the best colour combination between your shoes and your outfit is not always easy. To help you, you'll find a few ideas down below.

Opt for some black high heels to go with a shimmering outfit. For this type of outfit, we recommend opting for some medium heels or ballet flats.

Go for a black or brown dress paired with some red heels to spice up your look. If your outfit happens to be neutral coloured, opt for shoes with prints to add a touch of fantasy style to your look.

Looking to wear an understated uni-coloured outfit? Why not try pair it with some shoes of the same colour, but of a different shade? For example, if you're wearing a pale pink dress, try wearing it with some fuchsia shoes to create a colour contrast. And what about a royal blue and bluey-green outfit with some coral red shoes? Hello egance and sophistication!

Another combination you could try is a pair of golden shoes with a warm-coloured outift. For silver coloured shoes, pair them with cold colours instead. If there is one colour in particular that you like, why not try wearing different shades for a monochrome effect? Monochrome blue is particularly elegant and stylish. The more daring among you can play with orange shades paired with leather cowboy boots or gladiator sandals.

Some good colour combos to bear in mind

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