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WondersShoes Women Wonders Dorita 

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Wonders puts love into their shoes
From the beginning, the Spanish brand Wonders designs modern women's collections that combine style and comfort. As such, they make sure to control each step of the manufacturing process of their models. But their strength is the love that put in each of their products. The result: impeccable shoes, from the quality finish to the design.

Shoes Women Heels Wonders Odisei A2422T Taupe Gold

Partner product
Odisei A2422t Taupe

£ 137.50      £ 108.63
Available sizes
Shoes Women Heels Wonders Odisei A2422T Taupe Gold
Partner product
Odisei A2422t Taupe

£ 137.50      £ 108.63


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