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KothaiPencil Cases Kothai 

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Kothai: funky street wear
The French brand founded by the Chauveau brothers shines on the fashion market and accessories since 2005. And it shows! The spirit of the brand, based on travel, music, contemporary art and photography has captured men and women of all ages, especially those who are passionate about the arts. In fact, year after year, Kothai has surrounded itself with the best and the brand has attracted the biggest names to offer unique and original collections. And working directly with artists or with official licenses, Kothai now offers prestigious collections with lines like Royal Air Force, Muhammad Ali, Bruce Brown along with unique designs with photographs from the Magnum agency, one of the most famous photo agencies in the world. Besides that, Kothai also attaches importance to its origins and contemporary art by working directly with renowned artists such as Grems, the Australian Mark Drew or the French collective from Montreal 123 Klan.

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