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Wear Coca-Cola: put on happiness
More than 100 years have passed to create the Coca-Cola legend. The first recipe was invented in 1885 by a pharmacist, John Pemberton, who owned his own laboratory in Georgia. In 1870, he left for Atlanta, which would later become the brand's headquarters. In Atlanta, he created a remedy for stomach problems using coca, kola nuts, and damiana. The first version of the famous bubbly drink was born. Since the, the brand has entered into the collective consciousness, becoming a legend worldwide. Santa Claus' famous red coat comes to us directly from Coca-Cola. Also, the brand's famous recipe is still a secret, which is only known by four people in the world. The famous shape of the bottle brings to mind a feminine shape. Finally, more than 1.5 billion bottles and cans have been sold worldwide. Among the brands numerous other products, you'll find a line of shoes that are lightweight and with a casual old-school look. That's the Coca-Cola spirit!

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