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ChipieBoots Girl Chipie 

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Proud to be a Chipie!
To be as fashionable as your mother, little fashionistas can rely on Chipie! Full of playfullness, the brand with the Scottish Terrier mascot provides well-fitting shoes and girly school bags for fashionistas. To look their best at all times, whether it be on an adventure, to play dress up or to go to school, Chipie offers the best in comfort and style. What do we say? Thank you Chipie!

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Chipie boots and shoes for girls

Elegant boots from Chipie will please young fashion followers

LIttle fashion lovers adore wearing boots that are soft and warm from the brand Chipie ! These children's shoes go great with all their outfits for a casual style. Find the most trendy girl's boots on our site !

Chipie has a wide selection of children's shoes available

The brand Chipie has created girls shoes in the style girls love. From ankle boots to high tops, to boots, you have a lot of choices with Chipie.This brand guarantees elegance!

Spartoo specialises in all kinds of boots

Thanks to their wide selection of boots and shoes on sale, has become a leader in the world of shoes online. Take advantage of great discounts to order designer shoes from Chipie, Kickers or Camper.

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