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TatooshAnkle boots / Boots Tatoosh 

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Tatoosh, fashion and more ....
More than just a brand, Tatoosh is a philosophy that is remains trendy both day and night thanks to their attention to detail and natural materials. Tatoosh is the story of two sisters, Janet and Vanessa, one a psychologist and the other an optician, who both decided to quit their jobs in 2005 and dedicate themselves to their common passion: fashion accessories and shoes! Their objective: create modern and eye-catching collections. The designers first caught our attention with their line of rubber boots. The collection revealed their fashion sense and attitude which turned the traditional Wellington boot into a sophisticated and creative model. Drawing from their success, Janet and Vanessa decided to expand their line while remaining loyal to what made them a success: rubber. Tatoosh Rain proposes original rain boots, Tatoosh City brings together shoes, handbags, and belts made from natural materials, and Tatoosh Ethnic designs '70s inspired models. There's a Tatoosh line for everyone!

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